
PhD Thesis

Title : Algebraic structures associated to double shuffle relations between multiple polylogrithm values at roots of unity

Date of defense : March 14th, 2023.

Abstract : Racinet attached to each finite cyclic group \(G\) and group embedding \(\iota : G \to \mathbb{C}^{\times}\) a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-scheme \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}\) which describes the double shuffle and regularization relations between multiple polylogarithm values at \(N\)th roots of unity, with \(N\) the order of \(G\). He also exhibited a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-group scheme \(\mathsf{DMR}_0^G\), which Enriquez and Furusho identified with the stabilizer of a coproduct arising in Racinet’s formalism with respect to the action of the group \(\mathcal{G}\) of grouplike elements of a noncommutatives series Hopf algebra, equipped with the twisted Magnus product. We reformulate Racinet’s construction in terms of crossed product. Racinet coproduct can then be identified with a coproduct \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{M}, \mathrm{DR}}_G\) defined on a module \(\widehat{\mathcal{M}}_G^{\mathrm{DR}}\) over an algebra \(\widehat{\mathcal{W}}_G^{\mathrm{DR}}\), which is equipped with its own coproduct \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{W}, \mathrm{DR}}_G\). We show that there are compatible group actions of a semidirect product involving \(\mathcal{G}\) on \(\widehat{\mathcal{M}}_G^{\mathrm{DR}}\) and \(\widehat{\mathcal{W}}_G^{\mathrm{DR}}\). This yields an explicit stabilizer group scheme containing \(\mathsf{DMR}_0^G\), which we also express in the Racinet formalism. Furthermore, for \(G=\{1\}\), Enriquez and Furusho showed that a subscheme \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}_{\times}\) of \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}\) is a torsor of isomorphisms relating de Rham and Betti objects. In the second part of this work, we define the main ingredients for a generalization of this result to any finite cyclic group \(G\): we exhibit a module \(\widehat{\mathcal{M}}_N^{\mathrm{B}}\) over an algebra \(\widehat{\mathcal{W}}_N^{\mathrm{B}}\) (where \(N\) is the order of \(G\)) and we prove the existence of two compatible coproducts \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{W}, \mathrm{B}}_N\) and \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{M}, \mathrm{B}}_N\) on \(\widehat{\mathcal{W}}_N^{\mathrm{B}}\) and \(\widehat{\mathcal{M}}_N^{\mathrm{B}}\) respectively such that \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}_{\times}\) is contained in the torsor of isomorphisms relating \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{W}, \mathrm{B}}_N\) (resp. \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{M}, \mathrm{B}}_N\)) to \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{W}, \mathrm{DR}}_G\) (resp. \(\widehat{\Delta}^{\mathcal{M}, \mathrm{DR}}_G\)).



Journal articles


Monthly seminar of the mathematics department of the university of Nagoya

Date : November 09th, 2023

Location : Nagoya, Japan

Title : Double shuffle torsor of cyclotomic MZVs and de Rham and Betti coproducts stabilizers

Mid-term workshop of the ANR HighAGT

Date : June 02nd, 2023

Location : Strasbourg, France

Title : Double shuffle torsor of cyclotomic multizeta values and stabilizer de Rham and Betti coproducts

Abstract : Racinet describes the double shuffle and regularization relations between multiple polylogarithm values at \(N\)th roots of unity via a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-scheme \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}\) where \(\iota : G \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}^{\times}\) is a group embedding from a finite cyclic group \(G\) of order \(N\) to \(\mathbb{C}^{\times}\). Then, Enriquez and Furusho show, when \(G=\{1\}\), that a subscheme \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}_{\times}\) is a torsor of isomorphisms between Betti and de Rham objects. In this talk, we establish a cyclotomic generalization of this result. First, we explicit the torsor structure of \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}_{\times}\). Then, we introduce in this context the adequate de Rham and Betti objects : the former arise from a crossed product algebra and enables a reformulation of Racinet’s harmonic coproduct closer to the formalism introduced by Enriquez and Furusho; the latter, on the other hand, arise from a group algebra of the orbifold fundamental group \(\left(\mathbb{C}^{\times} \smallsetminus \mu_{N}\right) / \mu_{N}\), where \(\mu_{N}\) is the group of \(N\)th roots of unity. Finally, we show the existence of a coalgebra and Hopf algebra coproduct such that \(\mathsf{DMR}^{\iota}_{\times}\) is a torsor of isomorphisms relying these Betti coproducts to their de Rham counterparts.

The “Algebra, Topology and the Grothedieck-Teichmüller group” conference

Date : August 30th, 2022

Location : Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Title : The stablizer Lie algebra of the harmonic coproduct

Abstract : For a finite abelian group \(G\), Racinet constructed a Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{dmr}_0^G\), which for \(G=\mu_N\) describes double shuffle and regularisation relations between multiple polylogarithm values specialized to \(N^{th}\) roots of unity. Enriquez and Furusho then identified this Lie algebra with the stabilizer Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{stab}(\Delta^M)\) of a coalgebra \((M, \Delta^M)\) appearing in Racinet’s formalism. On the other hand, Racinet’s formalism provides a Hopf algebra \((\mathbb{Q}\langle\langle Y_G\rangle\rangle, \Delta_{\star}^{alg, G})\). When \(G=1\), this Hopf algebra is equipped with a Lie algebra action, which gives rise to a stabilizer Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{stab}(\Delta_{\star}^{alg,1})\), which can be shown to be equal to \(\mathfrak{stab}(\Delta^M)\). However, when \(G \neq \{1\}\), no such action exists on \((\mathbb{Q}\langle\langle Y_G\rangle\rangle, \Delta_{\star}^{alg, G})\), making a direct analogue of this construction impossible. We show how Racinet’s theory fits in a crossed product formalism, which allows for the construction of an alternative generalisation \((W, \Delta^W)\) for general \(G\) of the Hopf algebra \((\mathbb{Q}\langle\langle Y_G\rangle\rangle, \Delta_{\star}^{alg, G})\), which is moreover equipped with a Lie algebra action and, therefore, allows for the construction of a stabilizer Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{stab}(\Delta^W)\), which can be shown to contain \(\mathfrak{dmr}_0^G\).

Monthly seminar of the mathematics department of the university of Nagoya

Date : August 22nd, 2022

Location : Web seminar

Title : Double shuffle Lie algebra and crossed product

Quantum Seminar of the Institut de Recherche en Mathématiques Avancées

Date : May 11th, 2022

Location : Strasbourg, France

Title : Double shuffle Lie algebra and crossed product

Abstract : For any integer \(N \geq 1\), Racinet studied the scheme associated to the double shuffle and regularisation relations between multiple polylogarithm values at \(N^{th}\) roots of unity. He showed, in particular, that this scheme is equipped with a torsor structure under the action of an affine group scheme, specialisation for \(G=\mu_N\) of a group scheme \(\mathsf{DMR}_0^G\), associated to any finite abelian group \(G\). Enriquez and Furusho then identified the Lie algebra \(\mathfrak{dmr}_0^G\) of \(\mathsf{DMR}_0^G\) with the stabilizer Lie algebra of a coproduct appearing in Racinet’s formalism. We reformulate Racinet’s construction in terms of crossed product. Racinet’s coproduct is then identified to the coproduct of a coalgebra \((\mathcal{M}^G,\Delta^{\mathcal{M}}_G)\) that appears in this formalism. Furthermore, this new setting allows us to construct a Hopf algebra \((\mathcal{W}^G,\Delta^{\mathcal{W}}_G)\) under which \((\mathcal{M}^G, \Delta^{\mathcal{M}}_G)\) is a module-coalgebra, the whole structure being equipped with the ambiant Lie algebra action. This leads us to the construction of a stabilizer Lie algebra \(\Delta^{\mathcal{W}}_G\) which contains the stabilizer Lie algebra of \(\Delta^{\mathcal{M}}_G\) which we will express in terms of Racinet’s formalism.

Rotating Colloquium of the GDR Lie Theory in Algebra and Geometry

Date : March 16th, 2022

Location : Dijon, France

Title : Double shuffle Lie algebra and crossed product

Link :

Master Theses

Prior to my Ph. D. I did two M. Sc. resulting in two Master theses described as follows:

Supervisor: Daniel Panazolo.

Initiation to Mumford’s Geometric Invariant Theory which is caracterized by actions of reductive groups on algebraic varieties. Then give a decomposition of the algebraic variety into a finite number of partitions which allows to a better understanding of the variety. This work is based on this paper of Victoria Hoskins.

Supervisor : Yacine Aït Amrane.

We study the set-theoric groupoid structure and equip it with differential structure obtaining what is called a Lie groupoid. Then we consider its action on a smooth manifold. This aims to equip a Lie groupoid with a Riemannian metric with respect to the underlying metrics on the structure. This work is based on this paper of Fernandes and del Hoyo.